A Place Where Lifestyle and Nature Meet

Summerland has long called to nature-lovers and those seeking a slice of the Okanagan lifestyle. From its rocky, volcanic slopes above to the orchards, vineyards and beaches below, Summerland offers the allure of a slower pace of life, and a path less traveled. Nestled between rolling golden hills and the sparkling Okanagan Lake, we’re fortunate to live alongside the beauty of this area, crafting a carefully designed community woven into a natural preserved setting.

At Hunters Hill, the charms of a small-town living, and a slower pace of life find a welcome home.  Featuring over 80 acres of preserved land, including meadows, forests, grasslands, bluffs and scenic wetlands, Hunters Hill honours the connection and balance between nature and the growing community, ever mindful of the habitats of our native plant and animal species.

These natural benefits allow you the chance to fulfill the call of the wild, strolling along preserved wildlife paths and enjoying the sunshine while you leave behind the day-to-day stress and embrace the land. If you’re feeling more daring, the multitude of mountain biking and outdoor activity opportunities are abundant within your own little corner of the valley.

Below, we’re highlighting some of the majestic local flora and fauna that inhabit the area and make Hunters Hill a spectacular place to call home.


Within the community, there are a variety of protected trees which dot the hillside providing shade for trail runs and roosting opportunities for local raptor and birds of prey (Hunters!). These can include the Red-tailed Hawk, the Bald Eagle and multiple owl species, like the Screech and Saw-whet owls, both of whom are considered endangered.

Ponderosa Pine and Mature Douglas-fir trees are part of the Hunters Hill eco-system as well, offering nesting opportunities for native bird species such as the American Kestrel, Mountain Chickadee and White-Breasted Nuthatch to name a few. If you look closely, you may even spot a Mountain Bluebird or two nesting amongst the branches during the spring season!

Take a turn and head into the protected wetland region of our community, and you’ll see the Trembling aspen trees that thrive off the nutrient-rich soil of the area. These trees are crucial to our environment and the conservation of the current eco-system in Summerland, providing shelter for waterfowl. Historically important to the region too, as the Syilx People of the Okanagan Nation used to utilize the leaves of the aspen tree to predict upcoming storms in the past.

Additional plants that you can find in our immediate ecosystem mostly consists of natural grasses, like Bluebunch wheatgrass and the iconic Okanagan sagebrush that lines the forest floor and brings a bit of colour to our rocky bluffs. As you explore the area, you’ll be thrilled to discover that the paths that weave through both preservation and Crown lands are often lined with these grasses and a rainbow of local flowers, including the bright yellow Arrowleaf Balsamroot flower, and Blue-eyed Mary flowers.


In addition to extensive plant life, there are also quite a few animals that call the preserved nature areas around Hunters Hill home too. The range of wildlife around Summerland includes some usual suspects like Mule and White-tailed deer species (we suggest deer-resistant landscaping!), California quail, Pygmy Nuthatches, chipmunks and coyotes.

We also share the land with a few other interesting animals that you may not expect to see in the area, like the Northern Pacific Treefrog, the American Badger and multiple butterfly species that enjoy summering in our community. As you continue onward along the preserved paths and listen to the sounds of birds overhead, a quick squirrel or Yellow-bellied marmot may scurry past you, making their way back to their home, as you do to your own.

Our community is built with the idea of ensuring that humans and nature can live together harmoniously, bringing forth amazing new homes while still ensuring our surrounding wildlife is enjoyed respectfully and preserved with the care that the land deserves.

With this abundance of natural beauty and opportunity for exploration right in our neighbourhood, you never need to consider the fence line the end of your back yard. At Hunters Hill, we’re working to create your dream lifestyle, through your home and your environment.

Talk to our Team About Current Opportunities at Hunters Hill.
